mauritius weather

Weather forecast for Mauritius: 27th March

Hello everyone, today is Thursday, March 27, 2025.Yesterday, 95 percent of the island had good weather, with 15 minutes of heavy rain in the afternoon around Grand Baie. Today's weather…
mauritius weather

Weather forecast for Mauritius: 26th March

Hello everyone, today is Wednesday, March 26, 2025. Yesterday the weather was good all over the island, but in the afternoon it became very cloudy, without rain. Expected weather for…
weather mauritius

Weather forecast for Mauritius: 24th March

Yesterday, almost 85 percent of the island's weather remained sunny, but in the south and southwest, places such as Suriname, Chemin Grenier, Chamounie, Le Morne, La Gaulette, Chamarel received 25-35…
mauritius weather

Weather forecast for Mauritius: 21th March

Weather forecast for today: The whole island is covered with clouds at medium altitudes and clouds continue to move in from the east to bring moderate showers and thunderstorms. Winds…